
Showing posts from October, 2024

Puzzletober 2024: Grungy

S ince I accidentally dropped my bag while wading westward, I spent most of today trying to clean it up using the isolated freshwater lake by the northwest of this plot of land. The floor was muddy enough that the bag got quite grungy. It took a while to remove the dirt from the hidden crevices. Rules: Draw a loop along the edges of cells.  Numbers are Product Bag clues: they must be inside the loop and reveal the product of the lengths of the row and column they can see within the loop.  Circles must be outside the loop but are next to the loop on three sides; all possible circles are given. penpa link

Puzzletober 2024: Guidebook

I feel insightful for recognizing this corner of the island. Everything I need to know about it is in my guidebook. penpa link

Puzzletober 2024: Roam

R ight in front of me is the highest point on this square-shaped island, but the cliff looks too steep to ascend, so I'll have to go south. It's unclear at the moment exactly how I want to approach getting there, so I'll have to trust that, from here on out, there's a way I can cover the whole area without retracing my steps instead of having to roam senselessly. The rules to this puzzle are meant to be deduced. The answer is a path. penpa link

Puzzletober 2024: Horizon

E ven though I prefer to stay on land, the submerged land bridge revealing a path to another island entices me to explore east instead of south. Something shiny on the horizon catches my eye and motivates me to go the extra mile today. Rules:  Solve the left half as a Bosnian Road  with a path instead of a loop and the right half as a Nurikabe with some clues missing. The Bosnian road should start somewhere on the left edge and end next to the Nurikabe; the cell to the right of the endpoint will be part of the river, and there must be only one way to follow the river to the right edge. Within both puzzles, every shaded square must be horizontally adjacent to at least one other shaded square. penpa link

Puzzletober 2024: Remote

W hile this corner of the island felt remote, looking westward I could make out the plain that I had explored before wading through the swamp. This distance really undercuts how far I've already traveled, but it also emphasizes how connected the place is. Rules: Get from the number in the bottom-right to the number in the top-right. From each number, you must move to another square with a number in it such that the distance between the centers of those squares exactly equals the number you move from. penpa link

Puzzletober 2024: Snacks

  S ince I couldn't use a microwave or anything like that, I brought mostly snacks for nourishment. I made sure to bring plenty so I wouldn't run out. While I could go east to cut across the center of the island, I might as well continue north to reach the corner. Rules: Solve as a Choco Banana, variant Double Choco, Brownies, and Lollipops simultaneously.  Shaded regions are not allowed to be subdivided in the Double Choco.  Lollipop sticks are interpreted as motion lines for B

Puzzletober 2024: Nomadic

  N orthward is where I planned to go, but I wanted to walk east a bit first to follow the river. I read somewhere that moss tends to grow on the north sides of trees, and that by the time I've located a tree to find moss on, a wandering guitarist should walk up to me and ask if I want to hear "Wonderwall". It occurred to me as I studied motion between the trees that I wasn't alone on this island. While instinct told me the nomadic wanderers would be friendly, I still didn't want to get in their way. Rules: This puzzle is inspired by Roma . Place an arrow that points left, right, up, or down into each cell.  Arrows don't repeat within a region.  Some arrows will form a path that can be followed by moving one space in the direction each arrow points, which spans all the way from somewhere on the leftmost column to out the rightmost column.  All other arrows will eventually point to themselves in loops; every loop has a different length. penpa link

Puzzletober 2024: Sun

  A round this area, the air is abnormally arid. The sun beats down as the clouds part. Upon reflection, perhaps I should have traveled with a partner, to divide and conquer. At least I'll be able to wade to the next island after passing through. Rules:  Draw an orthogonal path that starts somewhere on the left and ends somewhere on the right.  The path must touch (but not pass through) every black triangle, as though reflecting off of them.  A region will be defined as an orthogonally-connected mass of cells not passed through by the path.  Four such regions contain exactly two stars each, and these four regions make two pairs of equal area. penpa link

Puzzletober 2024: Hike

  S wimming across the rivers to visit the middle southern tip of the island was more efficient than retracing my steps. I felt obliged to hike some of the trails left behind, but some of them would have to wait. I especially couldn't attempt the ones deep underwater offshore. I can't swim that far. Rules: Solve as a Water Walk , except with a path that travels from the leftmost trail to the rightmost trail. Some trails have been marked: if the path goes over a trail, it must follow the full trail. penpa link (Note: there is a slight nonuniqueness that can be fixed by adding 2-cell horizontal trails directly above the submerged ones.)

Puzzletober 2024: Passport

  L ots of things have happened on this day in history. A Nobel Prize physicist was born, and from my surname I assume I'm related. I've heard I was named after a famous poet, who died today. If I told someone who knew me that my first name was his middle name, they would likely be able to guess the poet. There were also a couple violent battles that happened today, one of which was an infamous football game. I'm from the city of one team in the state of the other, but the latter state plays ballgames not too far from my residence. Also today, I tripped exploring the coast and my passport fell out of my bag and got carried away by the tide. I'm not too upset since it was going to expire in 50 days anyway. Had I known the procedures and waited an extra day, it would have been good for much longer. The writer is fictional, but all other references in the first paragraph are to real people, places, and events. What are the writer's first and last name, date of birth, c

Puzzletober 2024: Trek

  A t this corner of the island, the ground creates a downward slope. The dirt is loose enough that a tulip that burst from the ground now lays on its side. I'll have to be careful on this trek: one misstep and everything literally goes south.  Rules: This puzzle is inspired by WordBrain. Trace a path between cells, which may move diagonally and cross itself, that visits every cell once. The path should spell a sequence of words: the first word has been provided, and the rest are twelve five-letter words. Each individual column's cells must be visited in order from top to bottom. The intended twelve words can be split into two groups of six, where the two categories are specific related properties (that don't together account for every word in the English language). The given word also fits into one of the categories. penpa link

Puzzletober 2024: Binoculars

  N ow a thin fog began to set in, making it difficult to see the path westward. Luckily, I packed some binoculars, which allowed me to look ahead. Rules: Draw a path that enters and exits the grid from the left and right sides of a certain row. The path doesn't pass through shaded squares.  Triangles are Hyperopia clues: they point in the one cardinal direction with the furthest line segment, with seeing no segment counting as a distance of infinity.  You may shade squares you know are not on the path, which will reveal five additional clues. penpa link

Puzzletober 2024: Exotic

  R ambling across this comb-shaped island are various natural trails. It appears care was taken not to disturb the exotic florae, yet when I spied a shamrock 'twixt the cob bushes with an extra cloverleaf, I made sure to keep it in my pocket. In many places, the paths seamlessly taper off into the dirt before picking up again somewhere in the distance. Rules: This puzzle is based on Doric Ivy . Variant rule: Shapes have been hidden on the clues. (Note: This puzzle was found to be nonunique, but it could possibly be fixed by requiring the upper 1 to have a triangle.) penpa link

Puzzletober 2024: Boots

 U p to my knees in swamp water was not how I intended to spend tonight. After noticing that I couldn't actually continue south from the previous field without wading, I cut east to explore the rest of the first island. Since this third section led nowhere, I put on my boots and waded south from it to the opposite shore. Rules: Shade some squares in "swampy boots" formations: pairs of vertical dominoes at the same height but with two cells of horizontal space between them.  Boots cannot be orthogonally adjacent.  Numbers shouldn't be shaded and represent the amount of shaded squares around them, minesweeper-style.  Only one column should have no boots. The top and bottom rows are not part of the grid. They're just meant to represent the shores. penpa link

Puzzletober 2024: Discover

  O verhead, I see nothing but clear skies. I made sure to check that the weather would be pleasant before beginning my journey, but I can't say for certain what I'll discover out here. The lay of the land and what it holds have barely been cataloged online. Rules: This puzzle's rules were adapted from anurag's "Clear Skies", replacing an uncertain rule with one inspired by the original genre, and also replacing the loop with a path that starts where indicated on the top and exits downward from somewhere on the bottom row. penpa link