Puzzletober 2024: Nomadic

 Northward is where I planned to go, but I wanted to walk east a bit first to follow the river. I read somewhere that moss tends to grow on the north sides of trees, and that by the time I've located a tree to find moss on, a wandering guitarist should walk up to me and ask if I want to hear "Wonderwall". It occurred to me as I studied motion between the trees that I wasn't alone on this island. While instinct told me the nomadic wanderers would be friendly, I still didn't want to get in their way.

Rules: This puzzle is inspired by Roma.

  • Place an arrow that points left, right, up, or down into each cell. 
  • Arrows don't repeat within a region. 
  • Some arrows will form a path that can be followed by moving one space in the direction each arrow points, which spans all the way from somewhere on the leftmost column to out the rightmost column. 
  • All other arrows will eventually point to themselves in loops; every loop has a different length.
