Puzzletober 2024: Passport

 Lots of things have happened on this day in history. A Nobel Prize physicist was born, and from my surname I assume I'm related. I've heard I was named after a famous poet, who died today. If I told someone who knew me that my first name was his middle name, they would likely be able to guess the poet. There were also a couple violent battles that happened today, one of which was an infamous football game. I'm from the city of one team in the state of the other, but the latter state plays ballgames not too far from my residence.

Also today, I tripped exploring the coast and my passport fell out of my bag and got carried away by the tide. I'm not too upset since it was going to expire in 50 days anyway. Had I known the procedures and waited an extra day, it would have been good for much longer.

The writer is fictional, but all other references in the first paragraph are to real people, places, and events. What are the writer's first and last name, date of birth, city/state of birth, and passport expiration date?
