I've Decided to Start Removing Numbers

 Some of the puzzle blogs this blog was inspired by have a habit of numbering the puzzles. While it does convey a sense of how much I've made, I've found myself not really caring about the numbers, and I get the feeling solvers won't really care either. I don't plan to make a 500-puzzle special or anything like that because I may have already hit that benchmark. Numbering is ambiguous when initials are included, when some pages have multiple puzzles (I can think of at least one with hidden puzzles) and when considering the puzzles I made before joining the internet. I also have plans (though they may fall through) to do some slight reorganizing of the blog to make it more intuitive to explore and slightly more novel by design. Cutting numbers seems like an easy way to streamline. 

It seems unfitting to make a blog post without a puzzle, so I've prepared a Balance Loop on this theme. You may want to warm up with this one: https://puzz.link/p?balance/4/4/01r01

The following puzzle used to have numbers before I removed them. If the numbers are filled in, a puzzle could theoretically be constructed using all the numbered clues in some arrangement with the opposite colors.

