Final Boss of Area Division

 uploaded on 2/13/24 after a couple weeks working on and off on it during free time at school

Divide the grid into regions. Each 5x5 subregion follows the rules of a different "Divide Into Areas" genre on they have been sorted alphabetically and placed in reading order. Regions, numbers, and shapes follow a genre rule if they are the subject of a rule in a subregion they're in: for example, numbers outside Aho in regions that enter Aho do not need to be area but numbers outside Araf in regions that enter Araf do matter for the region's area bounds. You may draw on the edges of Slash Pack and Tonttiraja. There are further slight nuances to the puzzle that may be found over the course of solving.

As of posting, it's unsolved, and I don't know whether it's unique, or accidentally nonunique or impossible.
