
Showing posts from August, 2023

#430: Like Counts Like

 made on 8/10/23 Fill the grid with numbers so each number counts the amount of identical numbers orthogonally adjacent to itself.

#429: Number Graph

 made on 8/9/23, amidst many other puzzles with the same format What rule determines the connections in these graphs? The first graph involves English while the second involves Spanish, but otherwise they use the same rule. Nodes with no outgoing connections have no outputs, except for 101 in the second graph, which has a bolded edge and outputs itself.

#423-428: Sextuppleganger?

 made on 7/29/23 This was mostly made as proof it could be done. For a more logic-heavy solve, you may be interested in Trippelganger. (#162-164) (This last one might not count because of auxiliary clues, but it's still a pentuppleganger!)

#422: Broken Chains

 uploaded on 7/28/23 This puzzle is based off a type called Brain Chain which is seemingly impossible to look up the rules to due to a board game of the same name. The goal is to start with the number on the left and apply the operations in the row from left to right to reach the final number.  For example, in the diagram below, the first row as it appears would be (((((6÷1)-19)x5)-17)+5)= -77. However, to complicate the puzzle, the columns were torn apart and rearranged to make the nice pattern along the major diagonal. When the columns are put back together in the correct order, every row should end its calculation on a nice whole number, as is conventional for the puzzle books Brain Chain has appeared in.