
Deducible Teeth

 Teeth was created by thejonymyster for 1D1P. It's a variant minesweeper that incorporates rule deduction for its clues. Because it allows exporting board seeds and has a clue type that doesn't require digging anything to reveal, it's possible for a board to be completely solvable without guessing, which isn't usually guaranteed. I've collected all the deducible board links I've openly shared and copied them here. You can start playing without a seed at  to learn the rules first. Board 1 Board 2 Board 3 Board 4

Bounding Boxes

These were made between 11/28/24 and 12/1/24 while exploring the idea of giving shaded regions bounding boxes. I really like how the logic ended up having depth to it: these puzzles rely on some special theory that I don't think applies to any other puzzle I've seen before. Rules: Shade some cells and divide the grid into rectangular regions such that each rectangular region is the smallest possible grid-aligned bounding box for each orthogonally-connected mass of shaded cells. (That is, the shaded cells in each region collectively touch every edge of the region but are never adjacent to the shaded cells of other regions.) Numbers reveal the area of the shaded mass in the same box and cannot be shaded. The first has been solved in the picture below as an example. penpa link


 Made on November 24th, during a brief discussion on what puzzle CAPTCHAs might look like:


 The rules for these puzzles are meant to be deduced. One has been solved as an example. I'd recommend trying to solve all the puzzles in a set before looking at the next set, but it's likely you won't have to go back to change your answers. Most of this was created back on January 28th, 2024, but after finally deciding to share it on November 20th, I replaced a nonunique puzzle in the third set and created the fifth set as a bonus. SET 1 SET 2 SET 3 SET 4 SET 5

Centered Witness Panels

These were made on the first of November, last year. I was inspired to return to The Windmill by a YouTube video about forward design in logic puzzles from the creator of Taiji that used the site to demonstrate an example. I wanted to explore some logic from having the starting point in the center of the panel, but these panels weren't necessarily designed to have only one solution. Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3

Digitless Aquapelago

These were made on September 19th, 2024, inspired by a puzzle that used this subset of the rules, as an attempt to show that this setting restriction can still involve interesting solving theory.