Puzzletober 2024: The Conclusion
T he view from up here is incredible. I look north and see nothing but open sea. Then my eyes roam west, and farther, way past the horizon and slightly north, is the peninsula where I began. I turn further counterclockwise, now downward, and I see the lake at the center of the island forming a very natural shape that tapers off quickly into the line of a river running into the sea. The box lantern I prepared has capsized and the shallow ground flickers from the light of an electric candle; I'll make sure to retrieve it later. Now I look straight down and catch a puddle before I step in it. Its shape is oddly familiar to me. Can I place it? I run my pointer finger through the water and notice some slightly deeper etching. It says something, and I know precisely why. The ink above dries as I await my ride home. A prospective reader could say it's not ink, and I say not yet. My journal is not necessarily in print. I ponder the artist's challenge this month. Perhaps, if one we